| ES35G | Advanced Assembler Language Coding Workshop | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ES90G | Advanced Parallel Sysplex Operations and Recovery Workshop | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| SYSMOD | Advanced SMP/E and SYSMOD Packaging | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| ES85G | Advanced z OS Performance: WLM, Sysplex, UNIX Services, z Systems | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| AFPI | AFP Introduction | 1 days | € 820,00 |
| AFPS | AFP Resource Structure | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| AFPR | AFP Resources | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| AVTAM | Applied VTAM | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| APPN | APPN Advanced Peer to Peer Networking | 2 days | € 1.640,00 |
| ES34G | Assembler Language Coding Workshop | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ES54G | Basic z/OS Tuning Using the Workload Manager | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ES19G | Basics of z/OS RACF Administration | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| CPMAIN | Capacity Planning in the Mainframe Environment | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| CICSWAS | CICS & WebSphere Application Server on zSeries | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| WM865G | CICS Command Level Coding | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| CICSSP | CICS for System Programmers | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| CICSFSP | CICS Fundamentals and System Programmers | 5 days | € 4.750,00 |
| CICSIW | CICS Internals and Workshop | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| CICSSA | CICS System Administration | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| WM875G | CICS V5 Advanced Application Development for SOA and Web Services | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| WM852G | CICS V5 Basic Tailoring | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| WM856G | CICS V5.3 CICSPlex System Manager Administration | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| WM806G | CICS V5.3 Fundamentals | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| WM816G | CICS V5.3 Systems Tailoring and Administration | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| CICSWE | CICS Web Enablement | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| CV851G | DB2 10 for zOS System Administration | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| CV852G | DB2 11 for zOS System Administration | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| CV844G | Db2 12 for z/OS Basic Database Administration | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| CV853G | Db2 12 for z/OS Introduction to System Administration | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| CV854G | Db2 13 for z/OS Introduction to System Administration | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| SS84G | DFSMS Implementation | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| SS86G | DFSMShsm Implementation | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| RMMIC | DFSMSrmm Implementation and Control | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| SMPEEU | Effective use of SMP/E | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| ES10G | Fundamental System Skills in z/OS | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ES96G | Hardware Configuration and Definition (HCD) for z/OS | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| HCDDR | HCD and Dynamic Reconfiguration | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| HSMIC | HSM Implementation and Control | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| WM302G | IBM MQ System Administration for z/OS | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| WM312G | IBM MQ V8 Advanced System Administration for z/OS | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| ZDIAG | IBM System z Diagnostics & Architecture | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ES24G | IBM System z Hardware Management Console (HMC) Operations | 2 days | € 1.640,00 |
| TZ243G | IBM Tivoli NetView for zOS 6.1 Fundamentals, Automation, REXX, PIPEs | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| IWSIT | IBM Workload Scheduler Installation and Configuration (IWS/TWS/OPC) | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| SM919G | IBM Z System Automation 4.3 Architecture | 1,5 days | € 1.640,00 |
| SM939G | IBM Z System Automation 4.3 Implementation and Administration | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| SM929G | IBM Z System Automation 4.3 Operations | 3,5 days | € 3.040,00 |
| ESZ0G | IBM z/OS Bootcamp | 10 days | € 7.600,00 |
| ZCOMMS | IBM z/OS Communications Server | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ZCOMMSI | IBM z/OS Communications Server Implementation | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ICFCM | ICF Catalog Management Workshop | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| IMSDSS | IMS Data Sharing in a Sysplex | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| ZCORE2 | Installation, Configuration, Customization, and Upgrading of z/OS | 15 days | € 11.400,00 |
| ZV45G | Installing, Configuring, and Managing KVM for IBM z System | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| ZV06G | Installing, Configuring, and Servicing z/VM | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| OP05G | Introducing z/OS UNIX System Services | 2,5 days | € 2.460,00 |
| IPSECZ | IP Security on z/OS | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| ISPFDM | ISPF Dialog Management | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| JES2IC | JES2 Implementation & Customisation | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| ZLNX | Linux for zSeries Installation Workshop | 2 days | € 1.640,00 |
| PSF | Parallel Sysplex Fundamentals | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| PSI | Parallel Sysplex Implementation | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| ES42G | Parallel Sysplex Implementation Workshop | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| RACFUNX | RACF – Securing z/OS UNIX | 2 days | € 1.640,00 |
| ES26G | SMP/E for z/OS Workshop | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| SMPE | SMP/E Workshop | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| SMSIC | SMS Implementation and Control | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| SNAF | SNA Fundamentals | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| CB69G | TCP/IP for z/OS Implementation Workshop | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| NW79G | TCP/IP for z/OS: Diagnostics and Debugging | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| NW75G | TCP/IP High Availability Solutions for z/OS | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| TCPZ | TCP/IP on z/OS Workshop | 2 days | € 1.640,00 |
| TIMZIC | Tivoli Information Management for z/OS – Initial Customisation | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| ZOSUNX | UNIX Implementation and Use on z/OS | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| ES68G | WebSphere for z/OS Version 8.5 Implementation | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ES15G | z/OS Facilities | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ZOSSP | z/OS for System Programmers | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ZCORE1 | z/OS Fundamentals | 10 days | € 7.600,00 |
| ES41G | z/OS Installation Using ServerPac | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ES07G | z/OS JCL and Utilities | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ESB3G | z/OS Management Facility Implementation and Use | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| ES52G | z/OS REXX Programming Workshop | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| SZ81G | z/OS Security Server RACF, Implementing and Customization | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| ZSMF | z/OS Storage Management Fundamentals | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| ES40G | z/OS System Programmer Fundamentals | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| ZOSSS | z/OS System Services | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| ES20G | z/OS System Services Structure | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| ZOSSPI | z/OS Systems Programming Introduction | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| OP25G | z/OS UNIX System Services Implementation | 4,5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| SS83G | z/OS VSAM and Access Method Services | 4 days | € 3.040,00 |
| ZOSWM | z/OS Workload Manager | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| ZL00G | z/VM and Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE Bootcamp | 5 days | € 3.800,00 |
| VMD | z/VM In Depth | 2 days | € 1.640,00 |
| ZV02G | z/VM Introduction and Concepts | 3 days | € 2.460,00 |
| ZFSE | zFS Exploitation | 2 days | € 1.640,00 |