Mainframe Academies

Prepare a person or team for a specific role and add resiliency to your team

How does an Academy look?

  • Every Academy is unique
  • Academies can be private (for your company) or public (multiple participants from multiple companies)
  • The Academy will look precisely as you need it to
  • We adapt the Academy (courses, workshops, mentoring, delivery frequency, strategy, social aspect, etc.)

The main Academies are:







Other Academies

  • Technical Support Paths: Storage, Security, Network, Performance/Capacity, CICS, MQ, DB2/IMS, HW Planner, etc
  • Cross-Training: Train your experts in additional skills to make the team more resilient, and get additional time to train your new SysProgs

Get in Touch

If you would like to know more about the academies and how they can be adapted to your company, get in touch: