How well do you know your current situation and needs? Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Assessment start Personal Assessment Company Assessment Mainframe experienceNoneBasic (1 to 2 years)Medium (2 to 5 years)Advanced (5+ years)Personal Training GoalReskillUpskillTrain for a role (Dev, SysOp, SysProg)Area of Expertisez/OSz/VMz/VSEz/TPFUnixLinuxDB2CICSIMSMQParallel SysplexNetworkSecurityStorageAutomationCapacity PlanningCobolPL/1AssemblerApplication DeveloperSystems Operator (SysOp)Systems Programmer (SysProg)Do you have the following insight about Mainframers in the Organization?past roles and skills (also before the current company)current roles and skillspersonal / technical interestsfuture goals and interestsWould you like to understand the following about your teams, departments, and organization?needs / requirementsredundanciesgapsAre you looking to...reskill or upskill a person or team on a specific topic or topicsprepare a person or team for a specific roleWhat topic(s) do you need to learn?z/OSz/VMz/VSEz/TPFUnixLinuxDB2CICSIMSMQParallel SysplexNetworkSecurityStorageAutomationCapacity PlanningCobolPL/1AssemblerWhat role(s) do you need to learn?Application DeveloperSystems Operator (SysOp)Systems Programmer (SysProg) Email Do Mainframe What level do you need to reach?BasicIntermediateAdvancedEducation StrategyCheapest possibleReach a particular goal within a particular dateName *Email *PhoneCompanySubmit