Parallel Sysplex Implementation Workshop
Code: ES42GDescription
This course is developed for systems programmers working on an implementation of a Parallel Sysplex. It covers the details of z/OS and z/OS-related products and subsystems exploiting the Parallel Sysplex components. It is focused on the resource sharing side.
This intermediate course should include system and subsystem programmers and personnel responsible for the implementation of the hardware and software for a Parallel Sysplex.
Experience in the following areas is recommended:
- Installing and testing z/OS and related products
- HCD coding
- PARMLIB settings
- Understand the steps to implement a basic and full Parallel Sysplex
- Implement a basic sysplex
- Implement a multisystem base sysplex
- Implement the connectivity for a Parallel Sysplex
- Implement the features and functions of a Parallel Sysplex
- Implement the coupling facility key exploiters
- Understand the different recovery scenarios
Day 1
- Welcome
- Unit 1: Sysplex: Overview and definitions Lab 2: Building two stand-alone systems
Day 2
- Unit 2: Base sysplex definitions and commands
- Unit 3: Hardware Management Console Lab 3: Building a two system base sysplex
Day 3
- Unit 4: Base sysplex migration to Parallel Sysplex
- Unit 5: Coupling Facility architecture
- Lab 4: Base to Parallel Sysplex migration dynamically Lab 5: Dynamically add a third CF to sysplex
Day 4
- Lab 6: Implementation of CF exploiters
Day 5
- Unit 6: Sysplex operation and recovery
- Lab recovery
Price (ex. VAT)
€ 3.800,00 per person
4,5 days
Delivery methods
- Classroom
- On-site (at your location)
- Virtual (instructor online)